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  • 生物学
  • Cellular, Molecular and Developmental 生物学
  • Ecology, Evolution and Organismal 生物学
  • Secondary Education

For those seeking a two-year degree, 该系提供以生物学为重点的理学副学士学位. Students may also pursue a minor 在生物学中.

对于那些有兴趣或计划继续接受健康科学教育的人, veterinary medicine or graduate school, 可以咨询 Pre-Professional Preparation 网页及其 顾问 在生物学中.

生物科学专业的优势在于它的灵活性. Students take core required courses as they begin their degree program and then go on to specialize in their fields of interest with their upper-division classes. 因此,无论学生选择从事医学科学还是野生动物生物学或任何其他生物科学专业, 学位课程是个性化的,足以确保优秀的准备.


细胞, 分子和发育生物学的浓度提供了细胞和分子生物学坚实的背景, genetics and developmental biology. Students begin by taking core required courses and then go on to specialize in their fields of interest with further upper-division coursework. 这种专注为毕业生提供了包括医学在内的许多职业选择, cell biology and biotechnology.

Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Science in 细胞,分子和发育生物学,生物科学

The concentration in ecology, 进化和有机体生物学为生态学提供了坚实的基础, 进化, and organismal diversity. Students begin by taking core required courses and then go on to specialize in their fields of interest with further upper-division coursework. 这门课程为毕业生提供了包括鱼类和野生动物生物学在内的许多职业选择, 植物学, zoology and ecology.

Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Science in 生态学,进化与有机体生物学,生物科学

本课程专为希望在中学任教的生物学学生而设. 他们开始他们的学位课程,通过课程,使他们在生物学的优秀背景,他们也接受指导化学, geology and physics. 这确保了学生在获得中学科学教育执照所需的所有考试中都表现良好.


有兴趣辅修生物学的学生首先要修一些生物学的核心课程. 然后, to complete the minor, 他们在系里开设的许多高级课程中进行选择.

Academic Requirements for 小 in 生物学

希望获得以生物学为重点的科学副学士学位的学生首先要参加课程,这将为他们在生物科学方面打下坚实的基础. 然后,他们通过从生物系高年级课程中选择几门课程来完成两年制学位. If, 在未来, they choose to pursue a four-year degree, 他们为获得副学士学位所修的核心必修课程将使他们在获得生物学学士学位之前有一个良好的开端.


Graduates of our program pursue careers in the medical field, 植物学, 野生动物生物学, cell biology or biotechnology, among many other career options.


Beyond the high-quality science education she received, 学习成为导师和榜样为朱莉成为一名化学老师做好了准备.

More about this graduate

Declaring your Major

选择一个 学术顾问 在你的项目早期是成功的最重要的关键之一! To declare a major or minor 在生物学中, 请联系Wubben科学楼生物/PES办公室的Amy O'Campo, WS 232. She can also be reached at 970.248.1993年或以上 (电子邮件保护)